How to Crowdfund with Bitcoin

Crowdfunding Online

Looking for Funding for your community project, or your start-up? There are several platforms where you can crowdfund Bitcoin to get you started. Read on to discover more.

Crowdfunding Bitcoin

You have a great idea. You have a business plan. You now need finance to get started. Where can you go to get finance?

How about:



Angel Investors.

Friends and Family.


Consider the Options

All great options. You can attempt to utilise one of the above, or all of the above, or any combination of the four options.

Some may work.

  • Self-funding only works if you have existing funds.
  • Banks can be hard to extract money from.
  • Angel Investors are an option if you are prepared to part with equity in your proposed business.
  • Friends and Family are a great choice but there is the risk that you may lose Friends and Family if things go belly-up.
  • Crowdfunding is a great option.


If you can get the crowd on your side, and behind you, then small donations from many people can add up, and make things happen. You can crowdfund on many platforms. And crowdfund in many currencies.

For this article we will focus on crowdfunding Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Crowdfunding Platforms

The Bitcoin community is a very generous community, especially when the project that is looking for funding is beneficial to Bitcoin, including the development, promotion and adoption of Bitcoin.

So choose your options wisely. Make sure that you choose the appropriate platform for your project.


Geyser.Fund is a crowdfunding platform you will certainly find useful. As well as crowdfunding, it also gives out grants to worthy projects. 

Geyser is a wonderful creation for the promotion of Bitcoin. 

Geyser is a Bitcoin-only platform so it keeps the Sats moving. There are different categories you can add your project to and you are able to add multiple categories to your project.

Geyser is well worth a look if you need funding for your Bitcoin business, Bitcoin idea or your Bitcoin project.

‘Transform ideas into real-life projects’.
‘Geyser is a bitcoin-native crowdfunding platform where you can fund project ideas with the support from global communities’.


Tallycoin.App is another crowdfunding platform you will be delighted with and is a great addition to your Bitcoin crowdfunding toolkit. 

It is a Bitcoin-only platform so it keeps the Sats moving.

You can link your own node to the Tallycoin so the donations go straight to your wallet on your node. At present Tallycoin is web-based only. It is extremely easy to use and even easier for users to donate. The QR code is both lightning and on chain.

There are different categories you can add your project to and you are able to add multiple categories to your project.

Tallycoin is well worth a look if you need funding for your Bitcoin business, Bitcoin idea or your Bitcoin project.

‘Tallycoin is a bitcoin crowdfunding platform where all donations go to a wallet under your control.
Zero fees’.

Unfortunately, Tallycoin is no longer available.

Think Big - Be Daring

Be daring. Be creative. Be confident. Ask questions. Grow a thick skin. Put yourself out there. Be honest. Be yourself. And never give up. 

Do make sure you add your project to both platforms as that will increase your exposure. It will support the platform creators. And may encourage more Bitcoin startups.

Good Luck, and Learn Bitcoin.