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Picture of Lightning Coffee Project

Lightning Coffee Project

A community supported, peer to peer project for Orange Pilling and educating people about Bitcoin & Lightning at Festivals, Farmers Markets and Cafes etc.

Orange Pilling Ireland – The Lightning Coffee Project

Ireland needs more Bitcoin education. Ireland needs more Bitcoin educators. Ireland needs people with ideas to drive forward the Bitcoin adoption. We understand that. So we dreamed up the Lightning Coffee Project. 



Ireland needs more Bitcoin education. Ireland needs more Bitcoin educators. Ireland needs people with ideas to drive forward the Bitcoin adoption. We understand that. So we dreamed up the Lightning Coffee Project. 

‘A community supported, peer to peer project for Orange Pilling and educating people about Bitcoin & Lightning at Festivals, Farmers Markets and Cafes etc’.

How is it being accomplished?

The Objective is accomplished both by interacting with the punter in the street, and at gatherings, festivals, and other such occasions.

Face to face exchanges where the potential Bitcoin Adoptee can ask questions, get help, and gain confidence using a Lightning Wallet.

Acheived by:  

  • Setting up a Bitcoin stand at a fesival / farmers market / cafe. 

  • Having a coffee vendor adjacent accepting Bitcoin.  

  • Attract interested parties with great signage, and a greater speel. 

  • Assist in Wallet setup. 

  • Send a few Satoshis to get them started. 

  • Assist in the buying process and building confidence. 

  • Offer educational materials, literature and websites to browse. 

  • Advise on Meetup locations, etc. 


Attract > Convince > Download > Gift Sats > Coffee > Seed Planted > Future Assistance Offered. 


The strategy is fun and engaging. It is hands-on, simple and practical. 

Your help is essential for keeping The Lightning Coffee Project moving ahead welcoming new users into the growing Bitcoin Community. 

Lightning Coffee Project was born out of a conversation at Bitcoin Hideaway.

Visit the Lightning Coffee Project on: 


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How to Crowdfund with Bitcoin

Looking for Funding for your community project, or your start-up? There are several platforms where you can crowdfund Bitcoin to get you started. Read on to discover more.

Plans are Developing

Plenty of research is the key to making something a success. The research continues whilst crowdfunding ticks along. The Academy at Bitcoin Hideaway will be pumping out Bitcoiners in 2024.

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